Can Twitter Make You Get More Clients Than Linkedin

Can Twitter Make You Get More Clients Than LinkedIn Does

People become so furious when they hear the power of the social media platforms. And the question arises as if can Twitter make you get more clients than LinkedIn.

It’s because more and more people are looking for the professional network like LinkedIn whereas Twitter is one of the oldest yet active platforms.

Every now and then, the news of someone tweeting keeps flashing and in such situation, you may get confused.

This is an era of the internet and the social media platforms are the superpowers. And you need to understand what’s best for you.

In this article, I will enlighten the different aspects of both the platforms and you will come to know if you can get clients.

Is Twitter More Powerful Than LinkedIn

Well, to be honest, it’s not possible to answer because both the platforms have their own audience and you can’t compare the Twitter engagement with LinkedIn.

Let me point out something about Twitter.

#1. Its Tweets Can Confuse You

You may have seen many times that many people tweet regularly. You can see tweets at a regular interval of time which can’t be compared to any other platform.

It can be once in 30 minutes or once in every 2 minutes.

That may be surprising but that’s true. Many Twitter users have tweeted more than 500K tweets in a very short period of time.

It’s basically for the regular updates, whether it’s about sports, cinema, books or something else.

#2. Twitter is more used for branding

In the past few years, I have learned and experimented a lot with this platform. Building your personal brand with Twitter always works.

It will help you craft your social presence easily.

You don’t really need professional skills. Just follow people and they will follow you back. Though if you have your strong opinions to inspire others, you can get the exposure never imagined.

#3. It’s not for communicating with Clients

Yes, that’s true. You can’t communicate with any of your clients on Twitter. Though Twitter has the option for the personal messages. But due to the use of tools, people send automated tools.

You can’t recognize who can be your client.

People monitor their profiles and in an expectation to connect with more people, they send DMs just after when you follow them.

The inbox gets filled with numerous of messages.

#4. Not considered as a business platform

Twitter can’t be used for building your business unless you have a strong list of followers. It’s all about people and to interact with them.

Sometimes you can’t even notice who is active and who’s not.

It can be brainstorming that you fail to find someone who is interested in your services. As per my experience, Twitter can be really overwhelming sometimes.

Let’s have a few words about LinkedIn too

Everything social media platform is different and so does LinkedIn.

#1. It’s the biggest professional network

No doubt that LinkedIn is one of the best platforms which is bringing the glory to the professionalism. If you ask someone as if how to get noticed by influencers, LinkedIn will be one of the answers.

People are getting jobs every day and building your business using LinkedIn is easy.

You can recruit a lot of talented yet experienced individuals. I have successfully gained 20000 LinkedIn followers and still counting.

#2. One status can reach thousands in one day

If you’re looking for any new job or looking for any kind help, just update a status and people will share their words.

You won’t believe how many people get engaged with a LinkedIn text status. People claim that visual content is more responsive but it’s a myth if you talk about LinkedIn.

Try to craft your content in a way which intrigue your followers and you will have the glory within no time.

#3. People come to you for their projects

I receive a lot of messages every day about website development, designing, SEO, blogging etc. Whenever I share something to provide my help, people ask me questions and getting more clients become easy.

You should know how to get client using LinkedIn because that’s the platform you can’t compare to anyone else.

I have been using it for a very long time and proudly say that being a LinkedIn Influencer, it’s an amazing feeling how people appreciate the talent.

Did You Get an Answer to Your Question “Can Twitter make you get more clients than LinkedIn”

Well, if you still didn’t get my point then let me clear it. The first thing is that you should choose your own platform.

People are building their business on Twitter as well as on LinkedIn. It’s up to you how you use these platforms. But as per my personal experience, LinkedIn is much better than Twitter.

In case of getting clients, LinkedIn has the features to post a job, its groups, and much more.

Whereas Twitter is only dependent on the tweets. People miss your tweets when they follow new users.

Can Twitter make you get more clients than LinkedIn? The answer is “NO”. If you know how to use LinkedIn in a professional way, nothing can beat you.

What should you do to make LinkedIn work

Now the question arises as if what’s required to become the social media star on LinkedIn.

First of all, you should know what’s required to build a professional LinkedIn profile because it reflects your skills. LinkedIn has multiple sections to showcase your expertise.

You should add your current working position and it’s a plus point if you mention all the past work experiences.

Try to interact with more and more people. Never forget the influencers. Their one share can get you hundreds of followers.

You should follow the two tips to dominate LinkedIn and many others. I hope you have gotten an answer to your question “Can Twitter make you get more clients than LinkedIn”.

If you still have any doubt, feel free to ask.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi, I really like this one. These 2 platforms are very different. I use LinkedIn to connect with more professionals in a different way than I do on Twitter.

    Twitter is much more fast paced and LinkedIn can tend to be slower.

    It’s like comparing apples to oranges. They don’t look alike or taste alike ?

    I do need to up my LinkedIn game though, thanks for the tips Ravi! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hey Lisa,

      You’re right.

      We all need to understand what Twitter can bring and the serving of LinkedIn isn’t similar. I have ruled over the LinkedIn game and Twitter is yet to be discovered at its best.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  2. Thank you for sharing your insights Ravi. You pointed out some main differences between Linkedin and Twitter that are on point. Both networks have their own advantages. It just depends what kind of business are you running and what kind of clients are you trying to get.

    Love your blog, will stop by again for sure!

  3. Hey Ravi,

    I have been disgruntled with LinkedIn for quite some time now. Enough so that I rarely even visit it. I get annoyed by people contacting me, offering me services, especially ones that I already offer myself. Then there are the Spammers that crawl under my skin.

    I haven’t been successful scoring any clients on LinkedIn and I doubt I ever will. However, on Twitter, I have. I’m not sure if it’s the nature of the business, the tweeps who are sharing my content or what. I just have been more successful on Twitter and prefer it over any other platform. Using Lists on there and hashtag searches have been most useful for me.

    Thanks for sharing this. I’d love to see what the others say!


    1. Hi Bren,

      LinkedIn is all about services and people try to send the messages which can be annoying. But once you get along with the platform, you can get the benefit for sure.

      I hope to experiment a little bit more.

      Thanks for sharing your experience.


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